How To Deal With Writer’s Block?

It’s A Lot Like What Calvin Says

When you write 10k to 12k words in a day, you are bound to hit writer’s block in no time. We have all faced it at some point in time.. No matter what you write, the client is simply not happy with it! Then comes the dejection and self-doubt.

Writer’s block is not a difficult situation to deal with and you can correct it through a simple process.

1. Cut yourself off completely from the issue at hand. If nothing you do seems to please your boss, ask for some time off or a new project to work on. No matter how menial, switching over to some other task or not doing anything is a good way to rest your mind. It helps your grey cells recollect the ability to churn out great content that you were once known for.

2. Be back to the basics

Sometimes, revamping your style of writing helps you overcome writer’s block. When you don’t see the same words flashing in front of your eyes, you can be sure of the clear road ahead.

You can revamp your writing style by reading a few good tutorials. The points discussed may seem rudimentary, but sometimes, going back to the basics is the best thing to do.

Here are a few links that you can check out should you feel the need to remodel your style of writing.

As they say in the Duke University handbook,


3. Start with Rewriting

When you think you have refreshed the basics, start small by rewriting a piece you had written previously. Try using fewer words to convey the meaning of sentences. Take your time as this is a practice exercise. If need be, you can try rewriting the same piece for 3-4 times. Compare the different versions and you will see how different they are. The more you practice, precision shall be within your grasp.

4*. Peer Review

If you have great colleagues and seniors, you can rope in one of them to review your write ups and give you feedback. Choose someone who you know can be harsh when the need arises but is not downright cruel. A fresh pair of eyes can work wonders at times!

* Only if you have REALLY SUPPORTIVE Colleagues.

Once you are done with the exercise, you will bounce back into the writing scene in no time, fresher, crisper and better!

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