Category Archives: Our Musings

Basics of Content Writing

A lot of people who believe that they write well or have a moderate grasp on English, think they can become content writers. And they do become! However, to become a good content writer, it takes a little more than that.

Before getting into how to be a good content writer, let us define what is content writing (for the newbies who are not very familiar with it). Content Writing requires you to research adequately into a topic and come up with a well written, precise and crisp article about it. The parameters of writing the article are different. The word length, style of writing, objectivity of the article etc. determine what and how you write it.

Length of the Article- Articles can be published on websites as SEO articles, press releases, blog posts and much more. The article length will be determined by the purpose of the article. Some of the common kinds of article write ups have been mentioned here:

  • A press release is meant to provide a gist of an event or project and hence it does not exceed 300-400 words.
  • An SEO article which is meant to inform readers about a certain topic or product go on for 500-600 words.
  • Blog posts which provide in-depth details and analysis can be between 900-1000 words. Product reviews usually discuss the features of a product at length. Hence, they can be between 1000 to 1500 words.
  • Product descriptions are usually shown beside a particular product on an e-commerce website and hence they are at best 60-70 words.

The length of the articles can vary under these categories though. This is just a rough guideline.

Style of Content Writing

Usually content published on the internet need to be crisp and to the point (If someone was interested in reading pages after pages about a certain topic, they would not look up the internet for quick reference, right? 😉 ) Proper English with punctuation, spelling and grammar is needed in an article. Some websites specifically cater to the US or UK and hence may want the writing style that pertains to those audiences.

It would be wrong to say that content writing can be done only in English. English is the most common method of writing online content although other languages that are fairly popular include Spanish, Italian and French.

Objective of the Article

Each article targets its own audience. A product description which pitches a particular product to a consumer needs to be well researched- its features need to be adequately explained so that a customer is convinced about buying the product. Similarly, product reviews need to be clear cut so that a consume can make up his/her mind about buying a product based on the review. Press releases need to be written in a manner that offers maximum information about a product or project to be launched so that it generates interest among consumers.

In general, you need to pack in information into your articles so that people find it useful and generate the results desired from it. The language also needs to be tweaked to suit the purpose.

Initially you might find researching and streamlining material for your articles difficult. However with practice comes perfection!

At Write Turn Services, we handle not only press releases, blog articles, SEO articles, product descriptions, product reviews, user manuals, home and landing page write ups, brochures and much more. We are adept at providing content that is tailored to provide an entrepreneur the results that s/he desires from it.